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Transform Your Life: Raise Your Vibrations!

Writer's picture: David Ortega B., M.Sc.David Ortega B., M.Sc.

Updated: Jul 28, 2022

More now than ever, the word vibration, is commonly used in the context of emotions. And it is not foreign us, as we experienced those kind of "vibrations" since we were a child, even from the womb, since we chose what family we were going to be born.

Several times in our lives, there’s a higher frequency that we dial in, and other times we seem to be disconnected with a failing antenna to pick up the right channel and messages!

Physics and the quantum world have stated many of these principles about the vibrational nature of particles, even before Einstein and all the famous scientists that study the universe, gravity and energy, could shape a more graspable concept that had been wondering the mind of many of them.

And this is due to the abstract complexity of these kinds of concepts, that for many people just seem like science fiction.

Well, in my humble point of view, it is really a kind of science fiction, to finally live in a time where science and spirituality are merging each day more and more, finally getting the importance of dropping the external noise and knowing the internal coherence.

Listening to your body messages (interoception) as we spoke about it (1), picking up your heart coherence and love energy (2), regulating your emotional energy and understanding how those emotions sometimes control your life (3), all of these aspects finally end up in one road, which is your healing space! Which is your consciousness and awareness of blending your energy with a higher frequency, or source energy!

Being able to stop the chattering in your head, being able to isolate from toxic distractions and vibrations, being able to mindfully choosing the right food to nurture your body, being able to move your body to let the chemicals flow and generate a more homeostatic interior.

If you just start making time for yourself and listening to your heart thoughts and beats, creating a powerful connection with your microbiota and taking care of it, all these realms of interaction within yourself, will inevitably enhance your healing transformational power that you have within!

Nevertheless, you as many, have been instructed and directed to think that solutions for everything are readily available outside, of course you have also been trained to think that those solutions as they become more expensive and full of a sphere of marketing, lights and almost Hollywood stars that have tested them, then it is more reliable!

But, sadly not always is the case, and yet you're many times confuse in what to believe is real, and the more you search the more you confuse and frustrate leaving your health to a random set of events which in a moment of desperation, or worse when you have already develop a disease that's when you will turn your eyes to the "best" choice that fix your problems in one session, in one pill or the fewest effort involved! Because there's no time now for you and the disease!

Well, let me give some news, that's not the path to follow, and don't believe my opinion, just try it with some simple thing that you need to decide in a rush, stressed, desperate and then you will be able to discover if under those conditions you're able to decide wisely!

Even as we began saying that these vibrational, quantum concepts where hard to grasp and visualize, they're not as difficult as they seem, if you don't start using mathematical equations, statistical analysis, or complex formulas.

If you are just able to understand that we are all made of cells, and those cells are made of elements and those elements are made of molecules and atoms and these tiny particles and every other particle known smaller than that has been proven to have space you'll understand that we're surrounded by energy! And we are all made of that energy! We all share the same common space! Whether you like it or not! Hence, we are all connected!

Ok, so where do I start to produce a transformation?

Well, in my humble experience and point of view, you start with yourself, you stop worrying or concerning about what others do or don't do, did or didn't, stop looking someone to blame, and most importantly stop looking for distractions or temporary solutions to numb the pain or to hack your discomfort or illness!

The healing journey as mentioned has to begin with the fact that you're able to draw your healing map, and in my own opinion the place to begin is with your thoughts and emotions, because those are the ones that are driving your behavior toward a reckless road or to save time in your recovery!

- Start allowing some time in your days, to create a healing journal, were you record two or three repetitive bothering or triggering thoughts that are sending you towards feeling powerless or disturbed during your days! You can just start with five minutes per day to dedicate to this task!

- After two or three weeks that you perform this task, you can start adding 5 minutes of reflection time, either in silence, with a meditation, with nature music, with a walk in nature, or by writing again but now positive things you enjoy in your day! Just make a list of three to five things! Allow yourself to repeat this mindful habit for three to four weeks! And it will be easier to make it part of your life!

- Start now with your body movement, engage yourself in 15 to 30 minutes of movement, at least three to four days per week, whatever you enjoy yoga, walking, running, swimming, dancing, cycling, etc. The purpose here is to allow physical motion in your body, so that you're able to detoxify your body from build up chemicals that you have inside! By increasing your heartbeats, by sending the message to your body to move the negative energy, by sweating the toxins, by releasing the stress, by also synchronizing your heart and brain with motion! This step will allow you to also start generating a totally different profile of chemical substances such as your hormones, neurotransmitters and even start changing the strains of bacteria in your microbiota, all of these will create a healthier environment within you! That will start to make an impact as soon as one week of mindfully engaging into it!

- By this step, you should be able to feel pretty different from the person that began around 8 to 12 weeks before. Meaning that now, you have rhythm, to move to the next mindful behavior which you probably guessed it! And it is your eating habits or nutrition, start first by making a list of three to five foods or drinks that you shouldn't be consuming, then each week reduce one of them to one quarter less, the next week take one quarter more of it (you should be by now reducing to half, one of your toxic foods or drinks), continue like this until you arrive to the fourth week and you drop it from the list! Then move to the next one and so on! Be aware that these are foods that you know they are completely toxic and there's no point of leaving any of them! If you start having some anxiety, write down your why, why do you think that having more of that food is helpful for you, what is the purpose of that food in your perception!

- Keeping with this food cleaning habits, now you will start increasing your fasting time gradually and without having the purpose to feel grumpy or triggered by anything, increase half hour per week or per two weeks either in your dinner time allowing it to do it earlier or in your breakfast to do it later! Meaning, for instance, that if you have dinner at 19:00, now you'll have dinner at 18:30. Or if you have breakfast at 8:00 am, now you'll do it at 8:30 am. Whatever works for you! You will keep these weekly or biweekly increments for as long as you arrive to 12 to 14 hours of fasting time, if you're feeling well, enjoying them after two to three months, you can push that fasting to 16 hours and stay there!

- Finally, by this time you should be engaged in a wholeness health science back program and rhythm that has its core purpose in allowing yourself to move you up through a spiral vibration, and now really start to see a very impactful change in terms of your own healing process, and the best of it, is that you're going to be able to do it at a comfortable pace, with your own inner guidance and of course if you require support, by the first month of doing these changes diligently you'll be able to search for a much better option in terms of the next steps that you can take! (And you can always apply to enroll in the Maverick program to have more science back guidance and applicable tools to allow you to navigate an easier and smoother process;

Sounds overwhelming to do these kind of "drastic" steps? In my own experience with clients, with myself, and of course with many cases that have arrived to the point of putting themselves in danger just for looking hacking solutions! I respectfully think that either deciding not to change anything because you simply found it complicated, too broad, or too much self-disciplined, or deciding to go anyway for the easiest option that probably will just include one, two or maybe three of these fundamental pillars of your internal healing vibration; I have personally seen that in the end most of the people, that are really committed to have a whole health approach, will end up choosing a most broad solution that eventually will encompass these five core aspects!

Why? Simply because they're in everyone of us, simply because we all share these five aspects and if we really want to change our whole vibrational map, we better start doing it with all the elements that can help us change from within!

We better commit with the most important person, which is you, of course! Moreover this journey is supposed to give you a different outlook and paradigm in your life, that you will be able to test, correct the course, and of course sometimes it will seem tiring, boring, or tedious but those are the curves that you're supposed to pass, those are the messages that you're supposed to decipher from your own life, and then find that new path that will point you in the right direction towards a different outcome, towards a completely different way to live.

Additionally, your social environment will start to shift into a much healthier one, suddenly some people probably will star to judge your path, might feel uncomfortable with the new you because now you have a different set of habits, you eat healthier, you are not that sedentary as you used to be, you don't get angry or triggered by the same things, therefore you don't like to engage in meaningless gossip chats or complaining conversations because you don't find any benefit from them, and you know now that that kind of conversations are simply toxic for your internal body, mind and even heart state!

We are a complex mixture of interactions that is given by our state of consciousness and awareness of the world and what is around us.

“The universe shows evidence of ... mind on three levels. The first level is the level of elementary physical processes in quantum mechanics. Matter in quantum mechanics is not an inert substance but an active agent, constantly making choices between alternative possibilities according to probabilistic laws. Every quantum experiment forces nature to make choices. It appears that mind, as manifested by the capacity to make choices, is to some extent inherent in every electron. The second level at which we detect ... mind is the level of direct human experience. Our brains appear to be devices for the amplification of the mental component of the quantum choices made by molecules inside our heads.... There is evidence ... that the universe as a whole is hospitable to the growth of mind.... Therefore it is reasonable to believe in the existence of a third level of mind, a mental component of the universe. If we believe in this mental component of the universe, then we can say that

we are small pieces of God’s mental apparatus.”

— Dyson, F. (Renowned physicist known for his work in deep space propulsion) (4)

We are just pieces of a puzzle that we share with every living organism, nevertheless we are impacting a space in the universe with our vibrations, it is proven by quantum mechanics, is proven by the fact that we are all made of the same energy that resides in a higher source, you can name it as you like, but we share the same origin.

Hence, just by raising our frequency to a higher level of vibration, that as mentioned above start with us, we are going to be able to achieve the final purpose for our piece of universe, which is impact it in a very profound way to drive it to a much healthier state. As we have been during the past 100 years, at least, very selfish minding only to accumulate more and to not be aware that we are just damaging our own unique home!

Everything is connected, if we start healing, as we raise our level of vibration and we start to heal, we'll be connected with like minded people that will start to expand and increase the energetic amplitude of our vibration, can you start picturing that kind of environment? I imagine that if you're reading this article so far, you've had already contact with these kind of people that want more from life, and not just for themselves but for humanity, they want to start helping others navigate the same path, of course without forcing anyone!

As we highlighted before, people that don't vibrate in your frequency, they will start to pull out from your life by themselves, and probably they will just do it for a while, as their time allows them to see a different kind of reality.

When they finally understand that living this physical reality is not what have been living, that they can experience too another level, and once their lessons start bringing more meaning, start awakening then they will be able to join the new wave!

In my own humble opinion, we are now facing a different set of beliefs, we are now experiencing different realms of living, we are now seeing more and more that science is completely merging with spirituality and the messages are conveying more coherence than ever before!

Each passing day, we have new people that prove that just by raising their internal coherent state linking their brain and heart, they were able to access that sweet spot that made the healing happened with no pharmaceutical drugs, but by slowly moving their internal state from a space of first getting rid of all the baggage that they were carrying and all the obsolete programming that they received from their parents, family and social circle.

“A human being is part of the whole, called by us "universe", a part limited in time and space. He experiences his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal decisions and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

— Einstein (4)

All that separation that was created just to have some "control" of people and of course to pursue a benefit just for some circles of business, is starting to fall apart, as more people engages in a mindful, divine journey to find that connection with every living being, as Einstein wisely quoted, the more we start acquiring compassion in our lives and empathy for others, the easier we start to flow in a "parallel" universe, where we encounter a lot more "synchronicities", a lot more "miracles", and we really start to feel free from that prison, also quoted by Einstein, it is just in our programmed movie, it was just a "subconscious" tape that was ingrained in our mind as it was the set of teachings, beliefs, patterns and constructs that they where raised with and obviously it was meant to be passed on!

“The universe shows evidence of ... mind on three levels. The first level is the level of elementary physical processes in quantum mechanics. Matter in quantum mechanics is not an inert substance but an active agent, constantly making choices between alternative possibilities according to probabilistic laws. Every quantum experiment forces nature to make choices. It appears that mind, as manifested by the capacity to make choices, is to some extent inherent in every electron. The second level at which we detect ... mind is the level of direct human experience. Our brains appear to be devices for the amplification of the mental component of the quantum choices made by molecules inside our heads.... There is evidence ... that the universe as a whole is hospitable to the growth of mind.... Therefore it is reasonable to believe in the existence of a third level of mind, a mental component of the universe. If we believe in this mental component of the universe, then we can say that

we are small pieces of God’s mental apparatus.”

— Dyson, F. (Renowned physicist known for his work in deep space propulsion) (4)

We are just pieces of a puzzle that we share with every living organism, nevertheless we are impacting a space in the universe with our vibrations, it is proven by quantum mechanics, is proven by the fact that we are all made of the same energy that resides in a higher source, you can name it as you like, but we share the same origin.

Hence, just by raising our frequency to a higher level of vibration, that as mentioned above start with us, we are going to be able to achieve the final purpose for our piece of universe, which is impact it in a very profound way to drive it to a much healthier state. As we have been during the past 100 years, at least, very selfish minding only to accumulate more and to not be aware that we are just damaging our own unique home!

Everything is connected, if we start healing, as we raise our level of vibration and we start to heal, we'll be connected with like minded people that will start to expand and increase the energetic amplitude of our vibration, can you start picturing that kind of environment? I imagine that if you're reading this article so far, you've had already contact with these kind of people that want more from life, and not just for themselves but for humanity, they want to start helping others navigate the same path, of course without forcing anyone!

As we highlighted before, people that don't vibrate in your frequency, they will start to pull out from your life by themselves, and probably they will just do it for a while, as their time allows them to see a different kind of reality.

When they finally understand that living this physical reality is not what have been living, that they can experience too another level, and once their lessons start bringing more meaning, start awakening then they will be able to join the new wave!

In my own humble opinion, we are now facing a different set of beliefs, we are now experiencing different realms of living, we are now seeing more and more that science is completely merging with spirituality and the messages are conveying more coherence than ever before!

Each passing day, we have new people that prove that just by raising their internal coherent state linking their brain and heart, they were able to access that sweet spot that made the healing happened with no pharmaceutical drugs, but by slowly moving their internal state from a space of first getting rid of all the baggage that they were carrying and all the obsolete programming that they received from their parents, family and social circle.

“A human being is part of the whole, called by us "universe", a part limited in time and space. He experiences his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal decisions and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

— Einstein (4)

All that separation that was created just to have some "control" of people and of course to pursue a benefit just for some circles of business, is starting to fall apart, as more people engages in a mindful, divine journey to find that connection with every living being, as Einstein wisely quoted, the more we start acquiring compassion in our lives and empathy for others, the easier we will start to flow in a "parallel" universe, where we encounter a lot more "synchronicities", a lot more "miracles", and only then we will really start to free ourselves free from that prison of restricting thoughts, also quoted by Einstein.

It is just a programmed movie, it is just a "subconscious" tape that was ingrained in our mind, as it was the set of teachings, beliefs, patterns and constructs that our caregivers and the social circle we grew up in had available, they where raised with that and the obvious thing to do was to passed it on!

However, now you are a grown up, now you have the power to change that set of patterns, that set of thoughts, and now you’re able to start producing a different result in your life, you are the creator of your own reality and you can start recording and ingraining a completely whole new picture in your mind!


1. Ortega D. “Love: The Divine Bridge to Healing Yourself!” February 15th, 2020.

2. Ortega D. “How to Listen to Your Body?: Interoception!”. February 08th, 2020.

3. Ortega D. “5 Secrets to Harness Your Emotional Energy”. February 01st, 2020.

4. Dossey, L. (2004). How healing happens: Exploring the nonlocal gap. Bloomington: iUniverse.

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